Categories: Technology

How to Ping a Phone? [2021]

Almost those who own a smartphone have missed it at some point and had no idea where this was. Our mobile phones can be easily misplaced on public transport services, although we simply have no idea how it might be.

What if you thought there is no technique to ping the position of a cell phone?

In addition, by Pinging a phone, you can find out where a phone is located. Though you can fetch it and monitor the exact location. If you want to ping someone’s phone, read on. Let’s Start…..

What is it mean to ping the phone?

Basically, GPS-enabled phones are capable of ping other devices. In order to determine their exact location, which is referred to as pinging. However, the message or signal is transmitted to the gadget by signal towers. That signal is eventually sent back with the device’s GPS(Global Positioning System) position info.

Pinging the phone: How is it perform?

Generally, Pinging and triangulation are the two methods used by cell network providers to locate a phone. Pinging a mobile phone is a modern method. Although, Pinging a cell phone is a simple procedure. Whereas trigonasana is an archaic way of locating a phone’s position.

What do you know? Once a modern digital mobile phone gets pinged, this uses GPS to identify its location and returns it through Text.

In this case, Ping refers to sending signals to a specific phone and receiving the required information in addition.

Why are you Pinging the phone?

This latest tech is being used to locate a missing Android or iPhone smartphone. Moreover, these organizations also utilize this tech to detect the phones of their users. Furthermore, often folks who prefer to keep a check on someone’s activities utilize spying applications.

Keep in mind that it is against the law to track or snoop on another’s device phone place without their consent. Whenever download any of the spy apps described in this essay or utilizing any tech. Make sure that you understand the risks.

How to ping a phone: The best ways to ping the phone

Many techniques exist to ping a phone. However, this article will focus on a few specific ones, which include:

There are several techniques for pinging a phone.

  • Default phone system
  • Using a ping on the computer
  • Spy apps
  • Gps tracking software

Default phone system

If you want to know where your phone is. Then simply used the phone’s default ping method to find out. “Find My Device” is a built-in function on Android smartphones. A similar tool has been integrated into iPhone devices, dubbed Find My iPhone, that allows you to track where your phone is. That’s how you ping a phone using a Default phone system.

How to use Find My Device to ping the phone

  • Firstly, Visit
  • Next, sign in to the Google account using the Gmail login to get started.
  • After that, you will be able to see the current location of the phone on a map.
  • You may also play sounds, delete data, and protect your smartphone remotely.

Using a ping on the computer

Pinging your misplaced phone via the computer is another way to locate it. Yep, users can use the computer to ping the phone to find out where it is. To ping your phone from a computer, following the instructions above.

  • Firstly, open the settings menu. On phones.
  • Afterward, choose About Phone.
  • Then, Click on Status. After that user gets the IP address as well.
  • Start the computer & go to the Windows Start Menu by typing cmd.
  • After that opening CMD as Run as administrator.
  • When you’ve done so, type ping following by the IP address of the phone and click Enter.

Spy apps

Using spy applications to track a phone’s position is another good option. You can track and monitor the target phone using these modern spy applications.

However, users can download this app for free. Moreover, u can easily ping the phone by using this spy app. In addition, there are plenty of Android and iPhone spy apps are currently available on the marketplace. That’s how to ping a phone using a spy app.

GPS tracking app

To find a missing Phone u can simply ping the phone using the GPS tracking app. Numerous free open source GPS tracking apps for Android and iPhone might well be obtained online. However, we have a collection of the finest GPS tracking apps to ping the phone and determine its position.

Following are a few GPS tracking applications for pinging a phone that you can use.

Google Maps and Life 360 are GPS tracking applications. Google maps are one of the latest and portable GPS tracking apps. Life 360 is also another GPS tracking application that enables u to ping the phone. However, it has a very cool interface.

In what ways can I protect myself from being tracked?

However, the simplified point is that you can perform it in four major ways.

  • Disable your GPS location tracking
  • Activate the airplane’s mood-setting
  • Switch off your phone entirely.
  • Change your phone’s settings to switch off location services

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In conclusion, aforementioned we discussed how to ping a phone? On the other hand, pinging someone’s phone is completely ill-legal. In addition, if your phone is missing then u can use the above methods.


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I am an independent writer and contributor at I mostly write on gadgets, computers, software reviews, and cyber security.

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